Business For Coaches & Wellness Practitioners


...let's build it together, step-by-step in E-School.

The best part -- we don't believe in a cookie-cutter approach. This is YOUR business, and it is very personal.

You'll have your entire platform individualized and completely built with an AUDIENCE in 90 days!

Are you ready to step out of the shiny-object vortex and into a simple, successful business?

You're ready to start helping more people. But you've quickly figured out that running a business isn't easy.

Especially with all of the million-dollar marketing tactics being aimed straight at your head (and pocketbook)...

You've bought a million and one mini-offers, maybe even a big-name course...

STILL you're not clear on who you serve, or the problem you solve, or how you solve it.

The REAL jaw-clencher is, you KNOW you're meant to share your gifts with more people, and every day that goes by makes you feel a little less hopeful about your business. 

You just can't seem to put the pieces together. 

What if you could transform your doubts and confusion into clarity and confidence? 

Would you finally...

Create a personalized business model that you can commit to, with a marketing strategy that calls in your people who want what you offer? 

Create a predictable and sustainable income -- one that does more than break even, and can support the lifestyle you're manifesting? 

It's time to step out of confusion and start helping people now!

The fastest way to online business success is:

  • A signature offer

  • ​An online presence

  • ​An audience that converts

  • ​A simple funnel and email list

  • ​A mapped out client journey

  • ​With a foundation to scale

But who am I to tell you this?

I get you..

You’ve tried different strategies, but the uncertainty that it won’t work makes you want to give up.

What if you had help to confidently create a personalized business model that you can commit to, with a marketing strategy that attracts your ideal clients?   

That is why E-school is so amazing. You get both instruction and individual  and  personalized support! 

Complete your entire business set up then grow your audience, create and automate social media content and serve more clients to make a larger impact. 

As a business owner for over 27 years, I figured out how to grow multiple service based businesses from the ground up

But when I moved online, EVERYTHING was different. 

I paid for many courses, programs, and coaching to figure out how to structure and package my coaching business online. 

I got a lot of advice that did not suit me specifically. 

I actually lost money and ended up more confused.

Then I figured out what did and how it could benefit others.

This framework is tailored to you specifically. My team of integrative coaches and myself are aligned with service and integrity in mind so you succeed! 

The truth is that each business is unique to the individual owner.

You have your own set of skills and passions. 

You need to INTEGRATE all of that to build a structure that is  effective, impactful, and profitable. 

Because ultimately, it has to feel good and work for YOU, or you won't feel confident in promoting it. 

Healing focused coaches and holistic practitioners are different!  

It's NOT about making millions for us, it's about HELPING millions. This is what matters the most  but we also NEED TO EARN MONEY...

We know helping others heal and making sustainable income impacts humanity as a whole.

I help you step into your role with personal support.    That's what makes E-SCHOOL different. 

I consider each unique being and tailor a business that is fully integrated with their vision in mind.


An intensive business container for coaches and wellness practitioners who want to build a profitable, sustainable, impactful online business that is personally aligned. 

3 Phases to Business Success: 

Who am I in the market?

  • Establish your personal brand and positioning.

  • ​Get clear about who you serve, the problem you solve, and how you do it - your message.

  • Personalized brand design (logos, font and color palette). 

  • ​Get tech support to connect your online business foundation. 

How do I get my offer to the market?

  • Clarify your exact client journey. 

  • ​Build your online audience of people interested in your service. 

  • ​Generate interested leads who become buyers. 

  • ​Design your unique marketing plan.

How do I scale my offer and build my team?

  • Long game marketing strategy.

  • ​Automations and systems.

  • Building an aligned team and culture.

  • ​Clarify your message. ​

  • ​Master sales and team support 




Your Investment In Your Success:

$497 monthly OR $5,000 annual membership


All-In Package


  • personal brand design

  • lead generation system

  • start-up coaching to get you set for success!

Growth Package


  • lead generation system

  • start-up coaching to get you set up for success!

Start-Up Package


  • start-up coaching to get you set up for success!

What Our Clients Are Saying:

E-School is your one-stop shop for building YOUR unique business plan and structure, marketing strategy, and the confidence to show up and own it all.  You can create your own results just like these coaches have done:


"E-School gave me the confidence to put together the program I had been contemplating for years!"

The guidance I received in E-School has allowed me to package and offer my work in such a beautiful way that's understandable and relatable to my clients. There's so much richness and depth in this program. It's not one-size-fits-all. 

Monique Arnaud-Derouen, Integrative Therapist


"Y'all, this shit works!"

I just signed up as my first paying 6-month mind-body coaching client! Investing in myself with E-School and Integrative Mind-Body coach training with this team is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. And this is just the beginning.

Char Wilson Integrative MindBody Coach, Breathwork Facilitator


"I've made more money in the last two months than I have in my whole career!"

In only a couple of months I have become more confident, more visible on social media, and have been making more money. I feel like I have more consistency and the tools and support in E-School allow me to see what works and doesn't work so I can make changes as necessary. I wish I would have joined E-School sooner. It's been a game changer! Feeling confident as a business owner makes me feel confident in other parts of my life as well!

Devaney Bellard, Licensed Massage Therapist


"I made back my investment within two weeks!"

Kim’s coaching has allowed me to grow and expand in both my personal life and business life. So when I heard she was doing E-School I knew I wanted in. I was ready to take my business and my life to the next level, and I trust 100% that Kim has the knowledge, tools, and experience to help me do just that. I made back my investment within two weeks of committing and paying for E-School!

Andee Martineau, Connective Parenting Coach


"I've gotten clarity on the HOW to create my program!"

I always knew WHAT I wanted to offer, but I couldn't figure out HOW to create it on my own. In E-School, I learned how to set up and grow my email list, and I've been able to get feedback on my ideas. Being in a community with other powerful women gives me the community I need to keep going.

Kayla Kincanon, Integrative Herbalist + ADHD Coach

You will transform doubt and confusion into clarity and confidence to become the entrepreneur your clients are waiting for!

E-School is perfect for...

Life Coaches

Health Coaches

Body Workers

Now, you have 2 choices...

Trying to learn business, marketing, and get coached on your mindset from too many different perspectives is the fastest track to overwhelm and a disjointed business plan. 

By not investing in E-School:

  • You’ll waste time and money trying to do it someone else’s way.

  • Stay stuck instead of implementing actual strategy and steps.

  • Keep spinning in unproductive business and client management strategies that don’t serve you or your clients, providing subpar service. 

BUT if you are committed to growing your business and making the maximal impact on the world, then the obvious choice is to join E-School . Our team of Integrative Coaches keep your success at the core of our service.

By choosing to invest in your growth, you will:

  • Create a business that works specifically for you.

  • ​Overcome your limiting beliefs and lack of confidence.

  • ​Create a business structure and marketing strategy that will serve you and your clients and take your business to the next level.

Your Questions, Answered!

What makes your clients so successful?

My clients are successful because the integrative approach takes the whole person into account. I understand their vision and all aspects of who they are mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I treat each client as the unique being that they are and I listen to what's important to them and how they want to serve. 

Is this for me if I’m just getting started?

If you are willing to do the work and committed to the vision I can help you. 

I don’t have a large audience, can I still do this?

Yes. Size doesn't matter and the same is true with your audience. Large numbers do not equal quality prospects. The work we do here is to create the RIGHT following just for you. 

What can I expect once I join E-School?

Once you're accepted you will be added to a private online community to begin the pre-work until we start weekly calls. The calls will be at 12pm CST.  BONUS office hours are spread throughout the week. 

How much time will I need to participate each week?

You get out of this what you put into it but this is not a full time job. You are required to attend the weekly calls and strategy sessions and the time it takes to implement what is presented on those calls. 

The truth is that each business is unique to the individual owner. 

You have your own set of skills and passions.

You need to INTEGRATE all of that to build a structure that is effective, impactful, and profitable.

Because ultimately, it has to feel good and work for YOU, or you won't feel confident in promoting it. 

Healing focused coaches and holistic practitioners are different! 

It's not about making millions for us, it's about HELPING millions.

This is what matters the most but we also LOVE MAKING MONEY...

We know helping others heal and making sustainable income impacts humanity as a whole. 

I help you step into your role with personal support. 

That's what makes E-School different. 

I consider each unique being and tailor a business model that is fully integrated to create more impact. 

If that sounds good to you and you're ready to go from overwhelm and confusion to clarity and confidence...

Join us inside E-School.

- Kim Guillory

Copyright Kim Guillory Coaching 2023. All rights reserved. 

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